01. Fuerza Nacional
02. Jovenes Skinheads
03. Homicidio En Primer Grado
04. Viejo Amigo
Released by Shout Proud Records in 2009.
Update 29th Januari: Some corrections to the bandinfo that a member posted (sorry for not posting it sooner, been busy:) " Klase Dirigente was stablished in 1997 by Wilson A and Nestor R. Both members and founders of what is known today as Batallon 49. Wilson was and still is the vocals and Nestor was in charge of drums, bass and guitar. We started as a band for b49 members only ( studio band ). We published 100% poder latino and stop playing for 10 years.
In 2010 we decided to give it another try so we got together with two other members of Batallon 49. They are our newest and younger members. Niko L (drums) and Agustin M. (Bass). Both from Uruguay. Niko and Agustin had their own band back In the days and currently playing in other bands like venganza tatuada! That is the new line up. Minatta took the bass and Nestor went to play guitars and write lyrics.
There was never a William Minatta on our band and also we are not affiliated with the 211 crew in any way.
Another thing!! The album "marcando la historia" is a new one! With new songs and old unedited songs.
We also have a new album coming up soon on "this mean war records" which is basically a re-make of the 100% poder Latino album. But this time is gonna be called "jovenes de las calles". It has a fresher and stronger sound.
But that's not all...We are currently working on a new album which hopefully will come out by the end of 2014 summer!!
Again! Thanx for the great review and we hope this has been helpful for your blog! Cheers! La Klase Dirigente!"
A band made up of members from both America and the Dominican Republic but since the band later transformed into an "all American" band i will add them to the site anyway.
Band started in the late 90's with Nestor on guitar and bass, Wilson on vocals and William Minatta on drums. Known affiliates and some claim founding members of skincrew Batallon 49 (hell if i know i live in Sweden) and just like most other bands involved or surrounding this South/North American crew very few records and demo's was released but instead they played with and for most of their members giving little notice to the scene on the outside. In 2003 came the end of the band in a physical form when both Wilson and Nestor left the band (and the crew). William Minatta went on to form Combate 49 and Venganza Tatuada.
Dead or not (are they back together?) they have graced us all with songs on the fantastic 2012 comp "Werewolves of the city" and got their first full-length just weeks ago when WAR Records decided to release their discography LP called "Marcando La Historia" (excellent by the way).
I often have a hard time enjoying latino Oi!bands since they seclude themselves by singing in a tongue i am far from familuar with (even if my nickname is Bernando) but this band doesnt only include a translation to their songs on this release but they are also such a tank of a band that they break down any speechbarriers in their way by pure force. One just have to take a listen to their first song "Fuerza National" that in a minimalistic (heavy bass, no guitar and snapping drums) way give the term brutal a whole new meaning. It's some of the hardest shit i have heard since i first heard Condemned 84's first demo and decided to cut my hair short. Those into the "new US Oi!" sound like Harrington Saints will probably get their bubblegum stuck in their throat when they listen to this. It's raw, nationalistic and violent to the core without becomming to much of a tough guy act, fucking perfect.
As todays 211 crews and the whole werevolf scene in Jersey and NY are really simulair to the old B49 attitude many bands such as Combate 49, Venganza Tatuada, Lonewolf NYC and The Wolverines have possibly all heard and taken some inspiration from this band. Don't know if they got back together last year or not but even so it only goes to show that even a dead wolf can bite harder than most barking dogs.
Fuerza National (live)