A sort of sideproject band from California playing pissed of and fast punk/HC with a vigilante attitude against the government. Like most other bands in that genre it's drenched soaking wet in both conspiracy theories and some quite "unAmerican views" but more on that later.
The member that i think most know of is Pat Hall on drums that used to play guitar in the phenomenal
Bonecrusher but many might also know the masked avenger behind the mic, namely Jay O'Brien who traded out his drumposition in bands such as
Allday and
T.S.O.L. for this frontspot.
As far as i know this is the band only release and the stuff ended as soon as it started with no intention to keep the band alive.
War at home
Cardinal Mahoney
03. Right wing wack job
04. 26 shots
05. Sober chronies
07. Napalm a Go-Go
08. New start
09. Morality
48 hours
Proud nation
Shut your mouth
13. Tagged a traitor
Released by
Black Tongue Records in 2009.
The bandname is a hint on the bands message (even though most of it should be taken for what it is, a joke) and they dont pull any punches when it comes to delivering rebellious anthems for the underclass misfits.
One sole mission, tear the shit down and burn as many churches as you can while doing it!
As liberal as i might be i am seriously starting to support their last mission, namely burning churches and as leftybands say fuck the nation and most Oi! bands wave the flag like never before this band stands apart with their own little cruzade against ignorance.
The band deliver some valid points on songs like
Cardinal Mahoney (a song against childmolesters and catholics which seem to go hand in hand these days) and it's refreshing to hear a US band making songs against religeon (all of them) and even one that take a pro-abortion stance (seriously dont we have people enough crowding our parkinglots). All these thing go down without pain but as they start talking about Hurricane Katrina being used to cover up a civil uprising they loose me completly, mm no that didnt happen.
As much bullshit i write i havnt even toughed on the actual music yet. To be honest there aint really much to get here since most songs sound the same. A bit lazy and a bit to noizy for my taste but fans of
Allday or even more politically incorrect bands like
Pitboss 2000 and
The 96 brigade might like this, just dont take it to seriously.
Band performing their song Cardinal Mahoney at DiPazzas