My guess is the aftermath is some people who are not weak cunts (like the ones who sat idly by when this happened) will make a protest against muslim extremism. The media will paint them out as facists and racists and the muslim community will get even more support from the RED/BLACK organisations.
Bloody shame.
5 dagar sedan
You'd think Allah would be able to fight his own battles instead of getting a pack of hysterical, gibbering subhumans to do it for him. I hear nothing but bad things about what is going down in Europe these days. I think the Americans who have been here for generations are finally starting to get sick of this crap, while you guys seem hell-bent on self-destruction. At any rate, you can be sure there is nothing remotely altruistic behind our government's desire to flood our countries with these animals--they bring them here to create a distraction to those who might challenge what the government is doing to us and make us easier to control. To believe otherwise makes you hopelessly naive or an outright fool. Since when has government been our "friend"?
SvaraRaderaWhats really sad is how Sweden who in itself is a (dont know the exact word in english) seculair society without any religous preaching in schools etc is going back to caveman days. Religion in the frantic muslim form is what eventually will destroy European freedoms and even saying so will get you branded a facist by most people. A damn shame.
RaderaI got about halfway through the Koran once and put it down in disgust, never bothering to get back to it. The militant aspects to that religion are not even remotely ambiguous--it's right there for anyone to see, but the cowards choose to turn a blind eye to it. And it's a stupid, simple-minded, repetitive religion on top of that--it makes Christianity look logical! People who live their lives in preparation for being dead need to cut to the chase and make room for those who want to live period! Aside from that, part of the deal with freedom of religion is freedom to criticize it, but obviously it's a one-way street with the Muzzies.
SvaraRaderaAn whole culture judged by the actions of a few right-wing extremists?
SvaraRaderaDoesn't that kind of remind you of a certain subculture?
I wrote fascist and ignorant muslims instead of plain old muslims. Now that last one could have been considered offensive to sensitive fucks like you but i didnt do that now did i?
RaderaAre the people in the clip not ignorant and fascist muslims?
What a sad cunt you are Simon. Please dont come back.
I plan to come back regularly, since your blog is awesome. Without it I never would've listened to many bands who sounds great.
RaderaBut I believe this wasn't necessary, I didn't notice your unpolitical blog post stuff about Utöya when it happened. Radical anti-Islam seems to be a much larger problem than Islamism, in Scandinavia at least.
Finally, Lars Vilks is a bloody attention-whore and his depictions of Mohammed reminds you of classic anti-Semitic propaganda. Of course this reaction is unproportional but if he would've offended any other large community in the same way (be it Jewish, Christian, Hindu etc) the reactions would be similar. Very few people actually believe in free speach when someone disagrees, this is true both of the political left and right.
Sweden and Norway are two completly different countries and if i am supposed to write about stuff going on in other countries i might as well stop with the music since i would have reported on the flood in Japan, the starvation in Africa etc. The reason why i dont even mention Viiks in everyday life is i want it to pass away into oblivion. The reason is because of the medias way to handle it. First day he was a muslim extremist and the second day he was a rightwinged extremist. WHatever happened to a christian extremist? His focus is not race its christian culture.
RaderaOkay, I finally watched this. I put it off because I knew how angry it would make me. There is nothing that pisses me off more than people who take their religion so serious that they want to make sure that no one can enjoy themselves. Seriously, an Electric Six song caused these Muslims to go nuts and call it pornography? I guess they have never seen the George W. Bush and Tony Blair vid of this?
SvaraRaderaAnd I loved the "It's our country too," comments, so it's your country so you get the right to decide what people listen to? I thought in Sweden you had freedom of speech? Freedom of speech means you also have the freedom to be offended by what is said and not go apeshit about it. You don't like it walk out, leave. Why destroy it for everyone else? Because of religion, and yes these people are acting like fanatics. No, I am not saying all Muslims are fanatics just as not all Christians, Jews, (your religion here)have fanatics, but myself I really am bothered by people who want to tell me what I can see or do because their G-d said so.
And calling the cops Pigs because they didn't stop it? Are you serious? If you want the religion police you are in the wrong country, try Saudi Arabia or Iran. Also, how holy of you to start yelling "fuck" yeah really nice.
I do give props to the guy who told them to leave the cops alone because they where just doing their job. That took some balls.
Bernardo, you know how I feel about religion and things like this just make me feel even more solidified in my feelings.
Sorry about the rant.
Brian Guy
It always takes a Btrian Guy to meke me feel all happy and bubbly inside hehe. What you say is my exact standpoint. Even if i dont like religeon in large they have their way of life and i would never take that from them. Its when intrutions on other peoples freedoms are made that my blood boils. The fact that me as a friendly old atheist can get assaulted on the buss by a mob because i wear a Templars t-shirt gives me chills about how our future will look.
RaderaI don't understand why we continue to let so many muslims into western countries. Islam is completely incompatible with Western values and our advanced, tolerant culture. We could allow them to live in our midst if they kept their religion to themselves, but they are clearly unable to do so. Every day one hears news that shows how ignorant the muslims are - for instance the recent attacks on the US embassies in Cairo, Libya and Yemen. How stupid can one be to attack a country's embassy because of a film made by one American Jew?