Today mediafire sent a letter that they had removed certain albums i had uploaded at their site. All albums it mattered were sent to me by the bandmembers themselfs or has been ok'ed by the bands in some way (me having email contact with members). Somehow they had gotten it around their ass that Timberland (the rapper) had produced the albums and that his label owned the rights to it. One of the albums was the recently uploaded "Falling down" CD by On trial and to my knowledge it isnt produced by Timberland (haha).
Black march will probably be black 2012 until something changes.
5 dagar sedan
change the name of the archives?
SvaraRaderaMight work for these issues but not in the long run. What really needs to be done is getting a secure barricade forcing companies to take take dialoge before action.
RaderaHopefully me and some other uploaders have found a secure way of doing this on my own hometurf where space is rented out.
I had the same thing happen with Sam's old band, Dead City Dealers. Apparently all of their songs were property of the movie "Burlesque". I bitched to Mediafire and they just said to re-upload it. The guy said it was probably a false report, but they don't review copyright complaints, they just delete stuff.
SvaraRaderaLooked up what company was behind the takedown of one of the albums and contacted them.
SvaraRaderaIts some antipiracy agency in UK named IFPI. They only told me that the albumtitle matched their search for "Falling down" and thats why they deleted it. I wondered what gave them the right to remove something without researching about the content. I could have had my family photoes in there.
Is there any platform to base a policereport against the company (gues not but maybe).
They said they where sorry and told me to upload the 3 albums again.
SvaraRaderaDidnt those nerds in Anonymous "start a war" with these companies? Damn nerds