My brand new site is now up and i will work on it alongside this one. US of Oi! of Sweden is main priority and the other one is basicly just an outlet of the frustration i feel when i have all these great records laying around but they dont fit the focus of this site.
I wont do no reviews or any indept research on the other site just upload good old punkmusic and some soul, ska, rock, RAC basicly anything that is good music in my eyes. I will put my main focus on swedish punk from 70's and 80's but also American, British, African whjatever music.
Go and check it out and dont forget to add it to your favourites.
5 dagar sedan
what happened to it? the description got me hyped a little, only to see it doesn't exist.
SvaraRaderaIt was up for a couple of months then i got an invitation to start blogging at Later started the site up again but nobody noticed and since i just quit my job to go back to school i felt like i couldnt write for this one, down underground AND fuck yeah.
SvaraRaderaI later reuploaded all uploads from FY to the downunderground site so go check there (it is also possible to send me an email if you weant any specific upload at that site).