01. Step on it
02. Chameleon
03. No time left
04. Show the way
05. Kill for a drink
06. Same mistake
07. No friend of mine
08. I've had enough
09. Could it be
10. No guts, no glory (Last rights cover)
11. Rise and fall
12. Hang up your boots
13. Enforcer
14. Chant/In your face
Released by Taang! Records in 1988 and later re-issued by Taang! on cd the same year and also later in 2002 with additional songs from earlier LP Back on the map.
With the same lineup as their EP the band went in to record their most "slapshot sounding" record to date. Much like their first LP it's dark and hard with more leanings towards an Oi!/Punk sound than the metal most others played at this time.
Right after this record Jack started Stars and stripes and the sound on the record is a somehwat pitched up version of that band basicly (though the whole bomb the middle east and kick out the immigrants bit is abscent here to).
Around this time the band was in a fued with UK band Exploited. It all started when Slapshot was going to play a show with them and decided to wear t-shirts saying Punks dead....your next and on the back it was a picture of Wattie (frontman of Exploited) with a gun to his head.
Exploited found out before the show and called the ones behind the gig that kicked Slapshot from the show.
Exploited got some crap from Slapshot hangarounds on comming gigs but the band themselfs never went any further than making a record threat. Thereoff the "No thanks to: Wattie (we'll get you) writen on this records sleeve.
Best songs on the record are Chameleon, No friend of mine, Enforcer, In your face and the classic Hang up your boots that has been covered by both Discipline and The business.
Re-issues of the record can be bought from all over the world but check the original one for sale at ebay.
6 dagar sedan
One of the greatest records ever. Fans of Boston-sounding hc should check out Norway's Insurance Risk, great Oslo City skinhead hc.
SvaraRaderaAnd the last tune on the record, "Chant" is one of the best sxe tunes ever.
Legend has it the "feud" was spawned by the Exploited song "Fuck The USA", but who knows? I still have the Back On The Map LP, but never got into their other stuff too much--even this one did little for me. That late 80's straight edge thing got old pretty fast.
SvaraRaderaHerrens hammare: Aldrig hört talas om dom. Har du någon länk?
SvaraRaderaMrPoopy: Probably. I know The uprise told them they would get stabbed if they ever played that song on American soil though. Also think supporters of The uprise tipped Exploited's tourvan over at one gig. Haha cant be easy to be so crusty and great at the same time.
Insurance Risk var ett 90-talsband om jag inte har helt fel för mig. Sångaren spelade senare trummor i oi!-bandet Case of Pride. Snackades om en reunion runt 2005, men det blev inget av. Sångaren har gått vidare till att bli casual, eller var det iaf för ett par år sen. Tror inte det finns nån webbsida, men fråga nån skinnskalle från Oslo eller kolla ebay/tradera. Bandet släppte två ep:ar, varav den ena blev ökänd i Oslo för sin homofobi och sångaren blev portad från Blitz ett tag, för de trodde han var nazi.
SvaraRaderaHerrens hammare: Haha. Norge och deras nazi skräck. Känns som vartenda Norgeband har blivit outade nazister. Ska kolla upp dom. Tack för tipset.
SvaraRadera - Enjoy!