After turning many heads worldwide with their demo from 2007 and a leaked second demo early this year i decided to make an interview with
Brassics bassist and vocalist Mongo.
Bernando: Whats the current line-up of the band?Mongo: Well the band consists of myself (Mongo) on vocals and bass. Clyde on guitar and Skinner on drums. We went through a few guitarists at first, but have been set with Clyde since summer of 08. We originally had a British singer who was living in the US, but due to immigration issues he had to move back.
Bernando: Discography?Mongo: Right now we have our unofficial release of our demo from 07 floating around.
Oi! aint red was supposed to "officially" release it, but that never happened haha. Our upcoming debut full length is 2/3s finished. It will be called "
Voice of freedom", and will be released on
American defence records.
Oi! aint red is supposed to be the European distribution though.
Bernando: Could you tell us a bit of the bands history?Mongo: Well none of us played in any other serious bands. I've played with some friends here and there, but nothing serious haha. We formed in 07, but we really didn't get serious untill 08 around the time when Clyde joined. We've shared the stage with a lot of other great acts including
Bonecrusher, Oxblood, Red alert, Tri city trashed, Social task and
Riot gun. The skinhead scene in California isn't so friendly, so we grew quite the reputation for being politically incorrect, to say the least haha.
Bernando: Describe the groups sound and the groups that has had an influence.Mongo: Well i like to say we have a more classic and aggressive Oi! sound. I don't feel like America has had that many great skinhead bands, so we're ready to make our mark! I'd say our biggest influences come from early
Skrewdriver, Condemned 84, Combat 84, Brutal attack, Arresting officers, Perkele and
Violent storm.
Bernando: You have an upcomming album on Oi! aint red records. Can you tell us about it?Mongo: The album should be released
American defence records as well as on
Oi! aint red. You should be very surprised with the sound of it. We're still writing the last few tracks for it. But the sound ranges from the most catchy oi! riffs to the most aggressive side of the genre. Some of the lyrics are in your face, with riffs to match. Others are left for your own interpetation. I'd like to say we're definetely puching the envelope with this one though.
Bernando: I understand Chris from Lonesoldier is featured on a track on the upcomming album. Will we see more guests?Mongo: That's right. Cris from
Lonesoldier and i are good friends. He comes to all our gigs and even comes on stage and songs our cover of
Fuck LA from time to time. It is possible we may have a few more guests help out with backing vocals, such as Scott drummer of
Youngland, Youngblood, Aggressive force and other such bands.
Bernando: I heard a rumour of a split ep with Code 1. Is this official?Mongo: At this time nothing is stone about the split. We're both very exited to put it out, but
Code 1 is inbetween drummers at the moment. It'd be nice to get some American British friendly competition going.
Bernando: Whats it like to lace up the boots and stepping out in your neighbourhood today?Mongo: Haha, not too many skinheads dress traditionaly in our area, no matter what side of the fence they're on. It seems like nowadays all these younger "skinheads" just dress up at their houses to take pictures for myspace hahaha!
Bernando: Whats the scene like in California? Any other bands we should keep our eyes on?
Mongo: The Oi! Scene in california is almost non existent. VERY few oi! bands come from here. But there are a few good ones such as Bonecrusher, Riot Gun, and always good old punk bands like Social Task.
Bernando: With a new president and all what should be the top priority on his list?
Mongo: Well i think domestic issues should be top priority. Issues such as our failing economy and the contributers to this like illegal immigration and exporting working class jobs. America should stop acting as world police, and we should take our nose out of foreign affairs a lot more.
Bernando: What do you know about Sweden?
Mongo: I have a few Swedish friends, like Rob and Cheddar from Contemptuous/Anti Pati. I like a good few Swedish bands, like Contemptuous, Perkele, The Cliches, Steelcapped Strength, The Righteous, even some Agent Bulldog haha. As for the history of the scene, i remember Rob telling me before that Mongo was an infamous skinhead from Sweden way back when haha. I'd like to find more out about him!
And Sweden has always been a neutral country in almost every matter! hahaha
Bernando: Any final words?
Cheers for the interview and for having our demo up for download! Check our website for other updates. Our full length "Voice of Freedom" should be out in early spring of 2010. We have plenty of merch for sale haha. We're heading south of the equator to play a gig somewhere in south america next year! And hopefully soon after we'll finally make our way to Europe.