They are now releasing their demo i reviewed last year through United Riot Records. It will be released on 7'' in limited 100 red, 100 blue and 100 white and the rest on black. Be sure to pick it up here:
6 dagar sedan
The bandmembers used hang around the same crews as the ones now running the label. With American Defense and Vulture rock no more i feel as if this is one of the few labels who still releases good Oi!.
SvaraRaderaCHeck out there new release with Bad assets. I ordered my copy some weeks ago.
I'd probably have bought one of the versions with the poster if I'd known about them before I went out and bought the regular release as soon as it turned up in my usual oi! shop. I like that artwork.
SvaraRadera'Pitbull Breed' would actually be a good band name, if it isn't already.
btw, I don't think that Vulture Rock is actually gone. Just put into hibernation mode with only a few titles kept in print, what with with times being tough. They did put out a Klasse Kriminale LP a few months ago. Though I didn't notice until I was told about it. :)
I suppose it's a bit like how Captain Oi! Records only releases 1 album a year now, when at one time they seemed to be releasing 1 or 2 every month.