A band from Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania that plays classic and raw Oi! like it should be. The band was started by Wes (guitar and vocals) and Ben (drums) in early 2007. For about a year they went without a bassplayer until Sarah joined the band. With this lineup they released their first record called "30 years to late" and their first EP "Underage and full of rage". In late 2008 Sarah joined the military service and the band was once again without a bassplayer. Finding someone who was an Oi!head like themselfs was hard but finally they added Zach to their ranks and recorded two new albums called "Falling down" in 2009 and "Today America, tomorrow the world" in 2010.
Since the band only released their record in DIY format and only sold them to friends and people at shows they are far from easy to get ahold of. Only song that has ever been released on a real recordcompany is their contribution to the compilation called East coast Attack Vol.1.
A band that has been missed by to many people because of their inability to get their shit out there.
6 dagar sedan
they sound great ! thanks for the heads up !