¤Best American release of 2012
Yellow stitches - Good times, violent crimes CD
Since i also dubbed them the best new band in 2010 some people might think i have fallen in love with the boys. Well i guess i have, in a manly and heterosexual way that is. Their latest album is nothing but fantastic and in no way a title i give them because the competition was weak (like last year).
We've gotten tons of great releases ranging from the true comeback of Broken Heroes to the superb compilation albums by bands such as Noi!se and 45 adapters. Out of the rumble this album stand supreme so wear this title with honor and pride Yellow Stitches.
We've gotten tons of great releases ranging from the true comeback of Broken Heroes to the superb compilation albums by bands such as Noi!se and 45 adapters. Out of the rumble this album stand supreme so wear this title with honor and pride Yellow Stitches.
¤Best international release of 2012
Bakers dozen - Nightmares in red, white and ablue CD
Still as pissed of as ever. Never back down is the best British Oi!-anthem i have heard since Condemned 84's Gang warfare and that says a whole lot.
¤Worst release of 2012
Klaxon - 100 Celle City Rockers LP
Seems some bands grow up and lose all connection to reality. How could you go from such a great punkact to this jungledrum salsa bullshit? Who still listens to this joke of a band?
¤Most disappointing album of 2012
Evil conduct - Working class anthems CD
As much as i love their old albums it just feels as if ive heard it all before. Might be time for them to evolve the sound because the last year it sounds as tired as the singer looks.
¤Best old album release that i somehow missed until 2012
Ol'cunts - Rock'N'Roll Bastards LP (2007)
Holy fucks and all allowed this album fucking rocks. As if the original '77 Skrewdriver bought a piano and moved to France. No sane person should go through their life without hearing this band.
And therefor i have uploaded it over at Fuck Yeah!!!
And therefor i have uploaded it over at Fuck Yeah!!!
¤Best new act(s) of 2012.
In 2011 we meet a surprisingly dry kindergarten of Oi! with oldtimers returning to the scene but 2012 is the complete opposite. Seems new bands are croppin up all over the states from way down to the cold north. Best acts in my oppinon are the two "wolfbands" from NY The wolverines and Lonewolf NYC. Hope to see a proper release from both bands in 2013.
¤Top 3 US happenings in 2012 (scenerelated)
(1) Wade Page who played in RAC bands Definite Hate and End Apathy went on a complete rampage and started shooting holy men and police officers in a Sikh temple, later turning the gun on himself. Why Sikh, the most peacefull of all "non-western" cultures? Murderer and all atleast he did what he preached which brings us to...
(2) Harley Flanagan old frontman of Cro-Mags stabs old bandmember and bites another one in the groin after an incident at Webster Hall, NY. No matter what the rumours afterwards say and the fact that no one died i am basicly just happy that someone among all these toughguy HC-bands walks the walk instead of writing songs about it. Since when did HC start crying like a bitch after a little bit of knifestabbing, toughen up boys and stop posing for gangpictures.
(3) Blood for Blood's singer Erick "Buddha" Medina was kicked out of the band after being arrested for sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl. The allegations against him is rape of minor but he came out and defended himself by saying "i only kissed her". Either way you are lowlife scum and a predator cunt and need to be taken of the streets for the good of mankind.
¤This years positive trend
Bands and labels putting a digital online-code in their EP's and LP's. More of this.
¤This years negative trend
Bloggers and bands adding a paypal button on the blogg/twitter or inviting advertisements on their youtube channels or sites. Punk is in no way supposed to substitute a dayjob and the day it does it's a bloody disgrace. With all the shit going on in the world these folks are the last fuckers that need your money. Pay money to save the fucking wales, take a retard to Pizza Hut or hugg a tree but dont help some spoiled boy/girl with a computer pay their rent through punk. The only exception to this is if the artists in question give away their albums for free then a paypal transfer is nothing but courtesy if you enjoy their free stuff, but to top the money you give them by buying albums and going to their shows by simply paying for their existence...
¤This year’s addition to my shitlist:
Related to this years negative trend i add the band that makes songs against socialism but at the same time beggs their "fans" for money online so they can cash out their instruments from the pawndshop (spelling). Charity is charity no matter where it comes from and if the world truly follows "survival of the fittest" you guys would be the first to go.
Related to this years negative trend i add the band that makes songs against socialism but at the same time beggs their "fans" for money online so they can cash out their instruments from the pawndshop (spelling). Charity is charity no matter where it comes from and if the world truly follows "survival of the fittest" you guys would be the first to go.