01. D.W.I.
02. Living in MP
03. Patterson
04. Life stinks
05. Hey old man
06. I hate you
07. Rail road track
08. Wartime
09. Brass monkey
10. Holiday in Guyana
11. Lets fight
12. Where oh where did my baby go?
13. Action action
14. Garbage can
15. Work
16. The game
17. Who says
18. We dont belong to nobody
19. Forget about it
Released by Mutha records in 1985.
The last release through Mutha records and the cover is like a wet dream for music nerds like myself. The face of the guy on the cover is an almoust identical image that they used for their own label Headache records that they started just 2 years after this release.
This album features some tracks that The wretched ones would later remake in the 90´s (Hey old man and We belong to nobody).
Many tracks both short and long from the 12 second track Garbage can (that has a 6 second intro before the song starts haha) to the more laidback track Holiday in Guyana that reaches over 4 minutes (damn great track to).
Many good songs and among the favourites are Life stinks, We dont belong to nobody, I hate you and Holiday in Guyana.
Thanks Bernhard!!
SvaraRaderaI love the album - especially the slower tracks like "life stinks, holiday in guyana and work". But the rest ist great, too. Fast, aggressive, really cool singing. Not someone trying to disguise that voice. And a great sound - not boring at all. It´s a 10/10 to me :)
Cheers from Berlin.