Nazi steamroller charging on and breaking through
Reds caught by surprise and their falling back
Ukraine in the middle. Swastika, hammer, sickle you will attack
You fought the reds, you fought the nazi scum
For nazis and communists mercy you had none
Nazi philofosy or red slavery
Both equals death so you fought to keep your nation free
The 2 beasts from the east and the west destroyed your nation
Spilling blood of reds and nazis was your retaliation
You fought the reds, you fought the nazi scum
For nazis and communists mercy you had none
Caught in the crunch the flame of life burns slow
You fought for the nation, you fought from the soul
Freedom from oppression this was your goal
Death to tyrannts both right and left, let all people know
You fought the reds, you fought the nazi scum
For nazis and communists mercy you had none
You fought the reds, you fought the nazi scum
For nazis and communists mercy you had none
Respect from Ukraine for lyrics and biggest thanks for lads from First Strike
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Kiev! Wonderful lyrics.
SvaraRaderacould you please re-upload these on another filesharing network when you get a chance? I didn't get to download these albums when megaupload was still working. Thanks!!! & keep up the great work!
SvaraRaderaWill get it up this weekend.... the album that is.