måndag 31 januari 2011
Lyrics for Vigilante by Empire falls
Take out the fucking trash
Cleanse the fucking streets
This is the voice of reason
The voice of sanity
Cause i am a vigilante
Cut out the fucking cancer
Kill the disease
Take out the fucking trash
Cleanse the fucking streets
Cause i am a vigilante
My words hurt you, well thats rough
My policy it doesnt suit you, well thats tough
Im living a lie if i allow this world to die
Im taking the law into my own hands
Take out the fucking trash
CLeanse the fucking streets
This is the voice of reason
The voice of sanity
Cause i am a vigilante
söndag 30 januari 2011
Empire falls - Infamous

01. Universally despised
02. Vigilante
03. Ambition
04. Politics are dead
05. Big mistake
06. One nation under hate
07. The baby boomers killed the American dream
08. You make me sick
09. Parasites
10. Thought police
11. Nothing ventured, nothing gained
12. Infamous
Released by Final Stand Records in 2007.
The most hardcore sounding album in their later carrer that starts out really good but could have been shorted down to an EP. They start of good with Universally despised and the track Vigilante that uses samples from the movie Taxidriver. Best song in the bunch though is Politics are dead with a heavy beating drum and lyrics like "I dont distinguish from right or wrong/Politics are fucking dead so who the fuck cares if we dont get along". The second half of the cd is just plain tired though and bringin in an alltime low on the track Thought police that sounds like a slowed down version of your average modern day HC band with some of the most simple and stupid lyrics to match. It would have been better as a 6-track EP.
Empire falls - We live to be hated (2006)
01. We live to be hated
02. On the attack
03. Drama queen
04. Dregs of society
05. We aint no feel good band
06. I am rock and roll
07. Live tonight like it was your last
08. Slay the invader
09. Hate yer face
10. You'll never get through to me
11. Choose your side
12. Forever
13. No breaking a sweat pissing you off
14. Greensboro, NC
Released by Defiant Records in 2006.
No compilation of old demosongs or new versions of tired old covers. Finally they delivered a new album. The sound has changed a lot since 2003 and many tracks seem to be more leaning to a sound rescembling white trash r'n'r more than punk but the tracks that are good are really good. Like most other songs by the band it has an outcast/underdog message (We live to be hated and Forever) and also a lot off hate directed towards their own scene and fans like in No breaking a sweat pissing you off and the (i hope so) not so serious Dregs of society where the bands own fans get assaulted with lyrics like "Those music magazines have no gig for me/So im styck with you, the dregs of society/I hate you're kind but most of all i hate your scene/You're all dregs of society and mean nothing to me". They also have a couple of politcally charged songs without any real political target (the songs can be deciphered however you want) like Choose your side and Slay the invader.
All in all it's a really good album even if its a bit uneven going from awefull tracks to superb one's.
This record is availible to buy from Dim Records.
Empire falls - On the attack (2005)

On the attack (recorded between 2003-2005)
01. Russo don't rock
02. On the attack
03. Etched in stone
04. Long road
05. The quick and the dead
06. Internet loser
07. Defiant til the end
08. Go kill yourself
09. I knew you'd let me down
10. The gauntlet
11. The elite
12. Can't tell no one (Negative Approach cover)
13. We are the boys (Blitz cover)
14. Hang up your boots (Slapshot cover)
15. The KKK took my baby away (Ramones cover)
16. Beat on the brat (Ramones cover)
17. Antisocial (Skrewdriver cover)
18. Belsen was a gas (Sex Pistols cover)
19. Die when you die (GG Allin cover)
20. Bite it you scum (GG Allin cover)
Negicore Pioneers (recorded in Aug 2004)
21. War is inevitable
22. Time heals nothing
23. Can't tell no one (Negative approach cover)
24. Go kill yourself
25. Warriors (Blitz cover)
26. Blockade runner
27. Shoot Michael Moore
28. Jack and shit
29. The KKK took my baby away (Ramones cover)
30. Etched in stone
31. The tables will turn in the end
32. Kudzu alley
33. Die when you die (GG Allin cover)
34. Clash of the iron clads
35. Silver machine (Hawkwind cover)
Bonus tracks (Recorded in late 2005)
36. Our blood, our brotherhood
37. Weak resistance
Released by Defiant Records in 2005.
Ok this time it's 37 tracks released as a doubleCD on a single CD. One might think that this is really generous by the band but take in the fact that 25% are covers and 50% are just re-recordings of old tracks and you will understand that there is not really much to be gained with this record.
Lets start with the covers, i think most that follow my site knows what i think about punkbands doing covers of punkbands and HC bands doing HC covers etc. Basicly i dont see no reason to do a cover of a band unless it's a fresh take on a song or a much better version of the song. Live is a whole other thing and me myself i love when i go to a show and hear a familuar bassline comming and the band playing pays tribute to some old Cock sparrer song or whatever. But not on records please.
The GG Allin songs that are featured here are good songs to start with so why the hell would i want to pay money for this record and hear a watered down version of those legendary songs? Write your own material for fucks sake!
Most other songs on the CD are old one's that are re-recorded and since the original tracks all had high recording quality i don't really see no reason for these tracks to even exist. Write some new material for fucks sake!
How about the new one's then? They all sound really good and are a good showcase of their We live to be hated and Infamous albums that would be released the comming years. Best one in the bunch is the hatefull and brutal track called Weak resistance that sounds a lot like the sound Bryan delivered in one of his his other bands Brutal Tactics.
If you are going to buy one off the bands records don't support this shit just cause it has almost 40 tracks. Buy one of their real records instead.
lördag 29 januari 2011
Empire falls - Scene of the crime (2004)

One life crew split 7'' from 2004 (1-3)
01. The quick and the dead
02. Cop out
03. Take a stab at society
The elite CDEP from 2002 (4-8)
04. The elite
05. Some kinda hate (Misfits cover)
06. Plague of the locust
07. Trapped in Dixie (Antiseen cover)
08. The gauntlet
Total panic 7'' from 2001 (09-16)
09. No class
10. Clash of the iron clads
11. How much more can we take
12. Nightfall
13. Etched in stone
14. I knew you'd let me down
15. Written word (B.D.T.R. cover)
16. Just can't last one more day (B.D.T.R. cover)
Dawn of a new era EP from 2001 (17-21)
17. Dawn of a new era
18. Caustic times
19. War is inevitable
20. Just can't last one more day II (B.D.T.R. cover)
21. That's alright
Making hardcore a threat EP originally recorded in 1999 (22-26)
22. Making hardcore a threat
23. Enemy in our midst
24. Show us some pride
25. Social schism
26. Kicked in the head (Warzone cover)
Pitboss 2000 split 7'' from 1998 (27-28)
27. Driver's license to kill
28. Rekindling the fire
The lines have been drawn 7'' from 1997 (29-33)
29. In the midst of poison
30. Fall of the empire
31. Rebuilding
32. Etched in stone
33. Stabbed in the back (Youth of today cover)
Released by Diehard Records in 2004.
Damn 33 songs thats what i call a record. It's actually one of those collection albums i understand the meaning of since it sums up their early carrer quite good and has some really good info on the band in the sleeves. Most of the songs featured on this album has already been uploaded and reviewed but some songs are new.
For starters i never uploaded the Dawn of a new era since i dont own it myself but its actually the best songs on this collection CD. It features a great cover of Misfits and has Bryan sweatsinging among all these hardcore songs. It also features a great Oi! track called The gauntlet and this is how i wish the band would sound more often. It's not so political and more relaxed than most other songs by the band.
Among all the collection albums this band has released this is the one with the most solid content and a great way for the vinylhaters to actually collect the bands early discography.
Yet again it's mostly stores in support of ze germanzzz that sell this record but if you dont mind then it's easy to google them.
fredag 28 januari 2011
Updated my wishlist.
Updated my wishlist that can be found in the bottom of the page. I found and bought some really rare one's like Patriots - Hooligans holiday from 1993 and that Pattons legion split but also added some new one's like the band Howitzer that is impossible to find anywhere for purchase here in Europe. If you got it then let me know. I'll trade or buy the records on the list.
torsdag 27 januari 2011
Empire falls & Creepout - The new world and the rising sun (2004)

01. Cop out
02. The quick and the dead
03. Battering ram
04. Time heals nothing
05. Etched in stone
06. War is inevitable
07. Big mistake
08. Defiant til the end
09. Making HC a threat '98
10. Show us some pride '98
11. Enemy in our midst '98
12. Social schism '98
13. Tone deaf '98
14. Just can't last one more day (B.D.T.R. cover)
15. Hardcore district
16. One tribe
17. OSG
18. Flexibility
Released by Prophecy Records in 2004.
This is where the band starts to use old material and releasing it as new records fooling anyone not paying attention to the songlists. Anyway they have some new tracks that actually hold a high quality and among the new tracks are two really good one's. Defiant til the end and the very catchy song The quick and the dead. But the so called split falls short on the bands greed in releasing a "new album" with old songs AND releasing a discography collection that features the same songs just a couple of months inbetween. Make some new music instead.
I dont know if this album can be counted as a split since Creepout only gets the chance of making 4 songs opposed to Empire falls 14 songs (haha). Creepout is a Japanese metalcore band and from the little chance they have to make themselfs heard on the split i like what im hearing. Maybe Prophecy could have made a real split and changed Empire falls old songs for some more by Creepout. Take a listen to the song OSG by the band. Anyone into more metal sounding HC will like it.
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Empire falls & So fucking what - Split 7'' (2004)
01. Empire falls - War is inevitable
02. Empire falls - Go kill yourself
03. Empire falls - So what? (Anti-nowhere league cover)
04. So fucking what - We kill, you die
Released by Master Rock Records in 2004.
Not only is this one of the best albumcovers ever but it's also a good record of high quality songs. Empire falls introduces another one of my favourite songs by the band namely War is inevitable. It's a blazing heavy rock'n'roll track and like most other songs by Empire falls its about some personal war against promoters, political police, old friends or anything else that has a heartbeat. They also do a solid cover of one of my own personal favourites Anti-nowhere league (a band i listened to long before i started listening to punk in general).
So fucking what is a German band that is named after the previously named track and even if Bryan is counted as a member of this group since he did the vocals for the band on most of their liveshows he is not featured on this recording (though i think the drummer in SFW was EF's official drummer at this time). Their song is called We kill, you die and is a great song but both Empire falls and B.D.T.R. do better versions of the song later on.
A rare little gem that most people have missed.
Available for purchase through Adler-Versand for a whoopin 12$.
Empire falls - DemoCD (2004)
måndag 24 januari 2011
Lyrics for In the broad daylight by Empire falls
Two worlds are gonna collide, in the broad daylight
One will live the other will die, in the broad daylight
Shotgun blast, might makes right, in the broad daylight
Hell they weren't gonna show but they got an invite, in the broad daylight
Only the strong will survive, in the broad daylight
The traitors where shot dead on sight, in the broad daylight
Face to face, side by side, in the broad daylight
I watched them lose their lifes, in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight i can see a mini army staring down at me
With teeth clenched and fist held high, today aint the day that i wanna die
So i shot quick and the blast was loud, it broke the tension as it broke the crowd
It don't really matter who's wrong or right but i got the drip on them in the broad daylight
Two worlds are gonna collide, in the broad daylight
One will live the other will die, in the broad daylight
God and satan side by side, in the broad daylight
I watched them drop like flies, in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight i can see a mini army staring down at me
With teeth clenched and fist held high, today aint the day that i wanna die
So i shot quick and the blast was loud, it broke the tension as it broke the crowd
It don't really matter if i was right but i got the drip on them in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight, in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight, in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight, in the broad daylight
In the broad daylight, in the broad daylight
Empire falls performing The underdogs live
Performing the title track from their album The underdogs in Raleigh 2007.
Empire falls - The underdogs (2003)

01. The underdogs
02. Unknown soldiers
03. Who dares wins
04. Kudzu alley
05. Hollyscum
06. The tables will turn in the end
07. Jack & shit
08. Blockade runner
09. In the broad daylight
10. No surrender, never give in
11. Razor wire
12. Where the wild things are
Released by R.A.C. Records in 2003
This is Empire falls in their prime. A purely genious album that has been overlooked by the scene in general. No longer a hardcore band and the sound is punkrock mixed with early british RAC with all lyrics served perfectly through Bryans rough voice.
They start the album of with the wreckingball of a song called The underdogs that is sort of an outcast anthem with some great lyrics like "Talk is always so cheap/But talk has always been the flavor of the weak/All you are is a soldier of fame/And underdogs never play that game". The whole record is filled with great songs and often even greater lyrics but some tracks even manage to rise above the rest on this album. I am thinking about the song In the broad daylight that is has a tempo seldom seen in modern punk. It's a slow and dragging track with really catchy lyrics yet again about being an underdog/one man army.
Even if this might be counted more as RAC then Oi! or punk it's just what it says. Rock against communism. No lyrics are directed against any other group then the extreme leftwing and the fact that it's an underdog kicking up and not down means a lot to me. The best album by the band.
The record is availible on cd from Pure impact.
söndag 23 januari 2011
Empire falls & Antiseen - Split 7'' (2003)
01. Empire falls - Jack & shit
02. Empire falls - Medical malpractice
03. Antiseen - Star whore (live)
Released by 1400 Days Pain in 2003.
First of all sorry for the low recordingsound on the vinyl-rip. I did it with my old needle and i am just to lazy to rip it again. Antiseen has never been a band i like being somewhat of a childish porno version of Limecell and the track they deliver here is nothing new. A redneck rock'n'roll track with mature lyrics that was recorded at some liveshow in Charleston back in 2000.
Empire falls is now basiclly playing pure punk and has adopted the sound that i like with them. Jack & shit is both a funny and good song while Medical malpractice is a pretty anonymous song and doesnt really stand out in any wa.
This EP is available for purchase through:
E-Bay 4$
and a whole bunch of shady stores i wont promote on this site.
Empire falls - Take a stab at society (2001)

01. No class
02. I knw you'd let me down
03. Clash of the iron clads
04. Etched in stone
05. Ruins of Camelot
06. How much more can i take?
07. Take a stab at society
08. Just can't last one more day (B.D.T.R. cover)
09. Found you out
10. Night fall
11. Written word
12. 1400 days
13. Nothing
Released by Prophecy Records in 2001.
Basicly the first real album by the "new" Empire falls and a lot of changes in the bands sound but mosly in the way that Bryan sings. Long gone is the HC yelling and dont know what he did with his voice but from now on he would always sing with this shaky more punk sounding style. A style i prefer since i never really liked their old stuff.
Even if this lineup of the band is the one that is said to be the best i think most of the songs on the record are great but where re-recorded in better versions in their later carrer. It was set inbetween B.D.T.R.'s awefull A better land and Empire falls awesome The underdogs and so is the score i will give it. The band hasnt gotten to their full potential and they are still have to much of their old HC sound for me to really like.
It can be bought for 9$ through Haunted hotel records.
Empire falls - Making hardcore a threat MCD (2001)

01. Making hardcore a threat
02. Show us some pride
03. Enemy in our midst
04. Social schism
05. Kick in the head (Warzone cover)
Released by Prophecy Records in 2001.
These songs where actually recorded back in 1998 with the old lineup and was supposed to be released as an EP but only their cover was released on a Warzone tribute comp.
The band starts to take a turn to the better in their sound and even if it still is pure hardcore it's not as noisy and fast as on their early records. Enemy in our midst is better then the earlier version and those that are not familiar with the "pre-b.d.t.r." days might start to recognize the vocals of Bryan now. Higher production values and a great Warzone cover is well worth a download.
lördag 22 januari 2011
Empire falls - Join or die (1998)

01. Driver's license to kill
02. Tone deaf
03. Enemy in our midst
04. Social schism
05. Dead beat
06. Shotgun II
07. Turn the tide II
08. Don't get mad, get even
09. Trust (Negative approach cover)
10. Revenge (Black flag cover)
Released by Prophecy Records in 1998.
Same stuff as before. To much noise and to short songs (i think they call it hardcore hehe) for me. If you liked their last record you will probably like this one to. Two good tracks on this record especially Enemy in our midst.
Empire falls - Rekindling the fire (1997)

01. My friend, regret
02. Fall of the empire II
03. Nightfall
04. Realization
05. Gate City Crew
06. Shotgun
07. Turn the tide
08. Drift of anger
09. Our time
10. Etched in stone II
11. Growing dimmer
12. Cross me
Released by Back Ta Basics in 1997.
Pure hardcore and all that comes with it. If your into hardcore then you will probably like this record. Me? No. But since i try to do a discography i guess i will have to do the records i dont like to. My friend, regret is a song that even i can appretiate but other then that it's nothing for me. This record was re-released with bonus tracks some years later so google it if you want it.
fredag 21 januari 2011
Empire falls - The lines have been drawn 7'' (1997)
01. Rebuilding
02. Etched in stone
03. In the midst of poison
04. Fall of the empire
Released by Fistfight Records in 1997.
This one like most other early releases was later re-released together with other EP's but since i allready had photoed and ripped it i thought what the hell why not upload it alone. I will not upload all of the bands releases since most smaller releases are re-released like 10 times over the years on various "greatest hits" records so if you notice a hole in my discography dont worry the songs will come up sooner or later.
This is pure hardcore with a straight edge message. Me myself have never understood the point of straight edge and have always enjoyed a nice dead pig to my beer and snus but whatever makes the kids stay out of trouble and feel special i guess.
The A-side isnt much to have if you ask me but the XxX-track In the midst of poison is really great song. As i always say i am no expert on hardcore and i sometimes find myself asking whats so great about this when listening to bands like Minor Threat and other legends but this i understand.
Check out the drums on Fall of the empire mmmm.
The record is available for purchase through the great collectorsite Dimension7 records.
I am not who i am?
Recieved this message that made me wonder about who i really am.
"It's quite obvious that your not from Europe, as a matter of fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is that poseur, fag, wanna be nazi from brassic. I mean faggots. Quit hiding in OC, you're done"
After some quick historical backtracking i understood that this wasnt just another member of the PC brigade that tried to point ze germanz finger at me for being a "fencesitter". It's actually one of the guys in the gangsigns photo i posted some time ago. If your gonna be all PC about my posts then atleast stop using faggot as a cussword.
"It's quite obvious that your not from Europe, as a matter of fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is that poseur, fag, wanna be nazi from brassic. I mean faggots. Quit hiding in OC, you're done"
After some quick historical backtracking i understood that this wasnt just another member of the PC brigade that tried to point ze germanz finger at me for being a "fencesitter". It's actually one of the guys in the gangsigns photo i posted some time ago. If your gonna be all PC about my posts then atleast stop using faggot as a cussword.
torsdag 20 januari 2011
Empire falls introduction

Empire falls started back in 1996 when Bryan Scorch and Hunter fleed from the ruins of their former band Scorch. At a start it was only Bryan on vocals and bass, Hunter on guitar and a drummachine doing the beating. They recorded their first demo with this 2-man lineup and started passing out demo's to the people active in North Carolina's hardcore scene. It didnt take long untill they filled the band with Billy on bass and Will Goodyear on drums.
Even if this is the basic first lineup it didnt last very long and soon Billy was replaced by Croad and Will was replaced by Steve on the drums.
Around this time (1997) they did their first tour and also recorded their first full-length Rekindling the fire for Back Ta Basics.
In 1998 they added a second guitarist Nick Fletcher to the band and recorded their second album called Join or die. Soon after this record both Nick Fletcher and Steve left the band but in jumped One life crew's promotional agent Blakey that also lived a secret life as a drummer. They appeared on two tribute comps with this lineup (Warzone & 7 Seconds tributes) and also did a split with the extremly hated Pittboss 2000. As if this split EP didnt out their attitude towards the leftwing elements in the scene they really outed themselfs with what i would consider their first politically charged album that was released in the late 1998 called Making hardcore a threat. This record featured their earlier songs that wasnt really lyricaly "PC clean" like Enemy in our midst and Social Schism all introduced with the song Making hardcore a threat. Basicly putting it clear that the overly leftwing attitude within the harcore scene would now have their nemesis to ban and crucify for a long time ahead.
The bands goal was to get rid of the crusty elements at their shows and deliver an alternative to the otherwise extremly politically correct straightedge scene that now had turned into more of a poetry bookclub. Not only did they make hardcore a threat again, sure they cleaned out the leftwing but with that came a whole new wing that attended their shows... This was the problem that resulted in the bands first breakup. The band was to politically diverse and the band couldnt decide where the band should go from here so they called it quits in 1999.
Around the same time Bryan Scorch and the members from Pitboss 2000 started up a new version of Scorch (no releases of this incarnation as far as i know) and also started up the now legendary band Better dead than red. He also started playing in the legendary Oi! band Patriot and was a member on and of for many years and is credited as bassplayer on their 2004 album. Being busy with all the new sideprojects and all he through about reviving Empire falls again and in 2000 he jumped into the recordingstudio again.
In 2001 he released the Dawn of a new era on his own label Prophecy records and the new lineup sported Eddie on guitar (used to play in Floor13), Doug on bass and Brandon on drums (he would later join Better dead than red). This lineup recorded the Take a stab at society in the late 2001 and it featured the new sound that today is Empire falls with more leaning towards Oi! and punk then your traditional hardcore. Brian also joined Commin correct as their bassplayer for their European tour in the late 2001.
In 2002 Alex started playing drums instead of Brandon that now was a member of Better dead than red under the name Jugghead. Under this lineup they recorded a split 7'' with infamous Antiseen and another one with One life crew.
In 2003 they recorded and released their least hardcore sounding record to date namely The underdogs. It was released through Rock Against Communism Records and featured a heavy rock'n'roll RAC/Punk sound. After this recording some left the band and some new where fired and this resulted in somewhat of a silent 2nd breakup for the band.
2004 and on the lineup changes are to many and to numerous to mention (often having two different drummers per album) but one member that is worth to mentioning is Aaron from punkband Dirty politicians.
Bryan played bass for 25 Ta Life and also did vocals in the new version for Blitz but had time to release 2 splitrecords in 2004. One with Japanese HC band Creepout and another one with the German punkband So fucking what? (that he also did vocals for during their tour in Germany in 2005).
Around this time they also started the trend with re-releasing old recordings on new records that basicly made me tired of collecting their discography (i own 5 "greatest hits" albums by the band) since most of these releases only featured like 2 new songs per cd. They did a solid Oi! album in 2006 called We live to be hated and another pure Oi! release with The Antagonizers before going back to their roots with the RAC influenced Hardcore release Infamous.
After Infamous in 2007 they havnt recorded a purelly new record to date but as far as i know a completly new album will be out in 2011.
Even if the band lately have started to move a bit to much into the right for my taste doing splits with the white power band Attack and a split EP with the hillbilly redneck fuckface known as Bootleg Bill and i was inches away from starting a oneman war with the band over some mising records in an order (damn i need to get a passtime of some sort to vent my childhood anger) the band deserves to have its place on this site (the beef has now been squached and i got a package including a whole heap of records i never ordered as a bonus so maybe it was just a mixup and the fault was mine, who knows).
Bottom line is they went against the masses and defied the ruling forces in the hardcore scene and payed the price with being banned from most venues and now lately recordlabels and that gives them some scores in my book. A band that has never made a racist lyric should not get branded as one just for being rightwinged.
Remember kid's always bet on the underdogs!
(Did anyone actually read all this?)
onsdag 19 januari 2011
Various artists - Our blood, our brotherhood 7'' (1997)
01. Greg Bennick - Spoken word intro
02. Commin correct - Individuality
03. Empire falls - Struggle to overcome
04. Pride - Erode
05. Scorch - Daybreak
06. Krutch - Intro/I'm the one
Released by Prophecy Records in 1997.
The first release ever by Prophecy Records released in a limited 215 copies so yeah it's quite rare.
I'm not really down with the US hardcore scene and to be honest i only know the bigger names (Terror, Madball, Hatebreed, Irate etc) or the once with a direct connection to the skinhead scene's history (Agnostic front, Iron cross etc) but after i bought this one i searched for more by the band called Commin correct (Rick from 25 Ta life's sideproject). They play a sort of HC that sounds very simulair to Agnostic front (probably because Rick sounds a lot like Roger Mirret) and they do it really good with a few twists and turns in the melody.
Empire falls delivers a song that is new to me called Struggle to overcome and i am surprised that they didnt include this song on their first records. It's like most other early tracks by the band brutal and as always great drums and guitar. Following this band for some yaers now its was nice to hear a new song.
Pride sounds a bit NYHC to my untrained HC ear and its not really my thing.
A fun and rare compilation that showcases the death of Scorch and the birth of Empire falls.
tisdag 18 januari 2011
Scorch - Bandinfo and a couple of demo songs from 1995
01. Day break
02. Ashes
03. Static
+ i added Direct control's hatetrack to this bands vocalist called Lets scorch Scorch
The history of some of the biggest bands in todays underground Hardcore, Oi! and RAC scene starts right here with a little straight edge band called Scorch. The band was started in Greensboro, North Carolina back in 1994 with Brian "Scorch" on vocals, Hunter on guitar, Shane on bass and Matt Rudzinski on drums. A common fire burning for the local HC scene and their drugfree lifestyle created the bond that was Scorch and even if the band itself didnt last that long the band still exists today but under the name Empire falls (even if a lot has happened since then). The band broke up officialy in 1996 and thats when Brian and Hunter started Empire falls. One of the other members joined the Delaware band Dunamis (have no clue, never heard of them nether). The fact that this was Brians first band and the fact that he would later sing/play in bands such as Patriot, Pitboss 2000, Empire falls, Blitz (the later US version), Better dead than red, Gods of war, Not without bloodshed and Brutal tactics its wierd that this band is as unknown as it is.
The short time the band was together they managed to record these 3 demosongs, release a 7'' called Angel (absolutly impossible to get), appear on two comps and also release a cassette called Static through Brians own record label Prophecy Records (also that cassette is impossible to find).
For those who read my blogg from time to time knows i dont have much for the person called Brian Scorch (with C18 affiliation and that other mess) but since i respect his musical talent and bulldozer drivingforce in the music industy i will be fair to both him and the rest of the bandmembers.
No personal or political vendetta.
Their sound back in the days was like most other bands back then..... Hardcore. This is both for good and bad since i hate pure hardcore but i know a lot of you Yankees love it almost more the punk (though i cant understand how that is;) ). To be honest Empire falls is one of the few HC bands i have always liked but that is probably because they have always flirted with more classic punk in their sound.
They have one good track here called Static that is almost like a HC alternative rock mixture but other then that its not really my cup of tea. A good song though is the one that Direct control made in 2002. Its called Lets scorch scorch and is directed towards Brian. Can't back up their vocals but its a good song.
Brass tacks - Just the facts (1999)

01. Ain't gonna win
02. Skinhead rock and roll
03. For all i care
04. Trudge onwards
05. Just this once
06. Losing control
07. My friends and me
08. United pride
09. Feed the fire
10. Nice boys (Rose tattoo cover)
11. Oi toy
12. Scenester
13. Working class
14. Winsconsin hooligans
15. Back with a bang (Skrewdriver cover)
Released by Beer City Records in 1999.
Love this album sounds like a mixture off The bruisers and Hudson Falcons.
First off all where the hell did this sound go in the scene? I just love the RnR feeling and some bands aside (The barons, Brassic, The broadsiders and some others get it right in some songs) it seems Oi! has turned away from its 77 and RnR roots into a more streetpunk or hardcore sound. Not going on about how it was better before since the American scene basicilly spawned out off the hardcore scene but why does every new band sound the same today? I mean come on listen to the song Feed the fire and tell me that song doesnt heart and soul. Much of the intense feeling is thanks to Kyle's great vocals but the whole sound is not only great but also extremly diverse. Even if the RnR sound is present the whole record through both the lyrics and the all in all sound changes enough to keep you intrested the whole record through.
As much as i like old Skrewdriver i must say that Brass tacks actually does their song better with an acoustic intro and then after the first chorus the rest off the band jumps in and picks the tempo up a notch.
Personal favourites is Losing control and the streetfighting/partysong Skinhead rock and roll.
A shame that not many but me seems to understand this sound.
It can be bought by a collector at Brutus Ecrater for 11$ or from Hardset Shop for 12,6$.
måndag 17 januari 2011
Looking for a new banner.
I am currently looking for a new banner, in other words a person that doesnt have the estetic sense of a monkey like i do. Are you a cartoonist, tattoo artist or a classic painter whatever you might be send me a message on my email and we can discuss the job, a price etc. My email is usofoiofsweden
Brass tacks - The good life 7'' (1998)
01. The good life
02. Positively Baldwin street
03. Lets smash some skulls
04. Dead or alive (Out of order cover)
Released by Headache Records in 1998.
A good skinhead rock'n'roll band from Wisconsin that had a short time in the spotlight but managed to do some really great songs during that time. The band consisted of Kyle on vocals, Pat on guitar, Matt on bass and Mike on drums. To be honest i dont really know much else about the band. One of those bands that i have all the material they released but never really known the band or who the members really are.
Their first release and as always on Headache Records its a solid one. It starts off with the great and honest song Living the good life about being an easy-going working man and being contempt with it. It might be sarcastic or honest but with lyrics like "I dont wanna hear about the starving kids in Albania/When im sittin in my underwear watching wrestlemania" it just cant go wrong.
Another great song is the cover of an old Out of order song where Kyle and the band leaves the safety of their r'n'r sound for a bit of a more classic punksound.
It can still be bought at Interpunk for a puny 4$.
lördag 15 januari 2011
Mans ruin - Gossip, rumors and lies (2000)

01. Heart & soul
02. Black & blue (new version)
03. Tattoos & memories
04. Gossip, rumors & lies
05. Stroke of luck
06. What's it like being you?
07. I'm going to hell
08. Bad apple
09. Chip on my shoulder (Cock sparrer cover)
10. Troubles with me
11. The fire that burns inside of me
12. A little or a lot
13. Cross that line
14. Tomorrows a new day
15. Please listen to me
16. I dont wanna hear it (a hidden Minor threat cover)
Released by Helen of Oi! Records in 2000.
Unlike their first album this one lacks both humor and a distinct sound. To many of the tracks sound the same and the few tracks that stick out do it in a bad way. If you love the first song on the album you will probably love the whole package. It's fast and its rough and on most songs it seems like Rhonda has problems keeping up with the beat. Not all songs are the same and the last song takes a detour and delivers an acoustic track but take a listen to it and you will understand why i give this record a 6. The band traded in their rythm and humor for attitude and speed and the result is a showcase of bad music and bad taste (doing a Cock sparrer cover).
The record is still for sale in these stores:
Interpunk 6,5$
Pure impact 16,5$
Oi! aint dead 17$
söndag 9 januari 2011
Mans ruin - Whoyoucallin' cracker (1998)

01. Mans ruin
02. Firecracker
03. Come a little closer
04. Lies
05. Half my age plus seven years
06. Make a stand
07. Cider woman
08. True love
09. Hard times
10. The color red
11. Packed with a punch
12. Black and blue
13. I don't like you (Skrewdriver cover)
14. Put a little south in your mouth
Released by GMM Records in 1998.
A girlband playing Oi! and actually one off the few bands in Oi! where the band is made up off more females then men and actually sound good. Many great bands have girls in them but after bands like Devotchkas and also now later the Swedish band Körsbärsfettera it seems all female Oi! bands are doomed to fail.
The band was started by the vocalist Rhonda Riot in 1995 and consisted of Lindsay Newlin on bass, Jennifer Noah on guitar and Angry Ian as drummer. The band was deep in the scene before they started the band so getting gigs and deals wasnt any harder then calling up their old friend Mark from GMM.
They released their first EP called Cider woman in 1996 and followed it up in 1998 with this record. They later released another full-length through the French label Helen of Oi! in 2000 but dissapeared after that.
I love the girls attitude and humor (atleast i hope thats what it is). Most songs are about looking for young boys to basicly use as sexslaves (Come a little closer, Half my age plus seven years) and also has a song called Put a little south in your mouth (needs no explanation). When the lyrics aint of the sexual nature they talk about beating and kicking folks down (Cider woman).
The better songs are the one's with a somewhat serious nature like Packed with a punch and Hard times and they also manage to deliver a superb cover of Skrewdrivers old I don't like you.
Best (maybe not best but atleast most intresting) song on the album is Firecracker where they turn your ordinary football Oi!chant into something that more resembels a cheerleaderchant with shouts like "Firecracker, firecracker boomboomboom/Firecracker, firecracker boomboomboom".
I found a used record on Amazon for 50$ other then that i think it's sold out.
lördag 8 januari 2011
Best defense - Demo Cassette (1988)

01. Intro
02. We'll smash you
03. Russian roulette
04. American skins
05. Politicians
06. Always willing to fight
07. Us against them
08. You can't fight them
09. You'r gonna drop
10. Best defence
11. We have no say
Released by the band in 1988.
First off all thanks to Michael Mance for rippin and sending me this very rare piece of American history. For a cassette that has been laying around in someone's basement for 22 years it's fantastic it actually has sound comming out from it.
First off all i wont rate this demo since it wouldnt be fair against the band. They rerecorded most off these songs in 1989 for what should have been an LP (read my old post about what happened).
The demo is lacking in quality and has an annoying echo on the vocals but taking it for what it is i cant really demand great soundquality.
It features some early versions of many classic songs from their full-length but the best song on the demo was never released on anything but this demo ad far as i know. The song is You cant fight them and has a great feeling to it with the bands friends acting as backup vocals in the background and i just love that simple bass it has slamming the whole track through. This stuff should be in the American museum of national history but untill then i guess i will safeguard it.
(And no i still stand firm by my words that this band is in no way WP even if the tapes cover might give that impression)

torsdag 6 januari 2011
The Anti-socials - Discography (1999-2003)

01. Whats in it for me
02. Why?
03. What kind of life (Version 2)
04. When are we gonna learn
05. Boring youth
06. They poison our youth
07. Up to us
08. Ban the news
09. Punks don't listen
10. Legends
11. Reality
12. Middle class lads
13. They don't offer anything
14. Power=Failure
15. Working for them
16. Sick of listening
17. What kind of life
18. Let's go
19. Being home
20. Fuck them
21. Two fucks
22. Blueprints
Released through the course of 1999-2003.
A fourmanband comming from Orange county that got together in the late 90's to counterattack all the crappy candycoated punk that was flooding the airwaves. They felt that it was time to give OC a noize assault of epic proportions and show how shitty-good punk can be if you drink while record and put more weight on having fun then trying to look cool.
With Los Jimbos on vocals, Rejected Ralphy on guitar, Jim Pogo on bass and Greggy Puke on drums they set out on a crusade that...... im sad to say not many have heard about. To be honest i heard about them when i interviewed Scotty violence a couple of weeks back. Apparently Scott and Los Jimbos was roommates for a couple off years in early 2000 and he played in a band called The last beats with Jimmy Pogo. He sent me these songs and seing i had only heard one of them before i had an intense week listening to it and i am glad i didnt just slag them off as another shaved noisepunk band cause some songs are good.
Even if this band never reached any global fame they had the chance to share stage with
Murphy's law and Billy club sandwich to name a few. They even got a small OC crew named after them called Anti Social Beat Down Crew.
In 1999 they released an Lp called Forward we march, backwards we progress and appeared on a Squigtone comp and a split record before breaking up in 2003.
Today some of the members have formed the band The Armedalite Rifles wich is another band i have never heard of before.
This sort of punk isnt really my thing normally but i actually found a couple of enjoyable songs among all these garagerecordings.
The first 4 tracks are from a 4-way split they did on FDH records in 2003 just before they broke up. Not much of quality here but the second song called Why? is ok and reminds me a bit about Squiggy. Track 5 called Boring youth was on the Greasers, Punks, & Skins Vol.2 that Squigtone released back in 1999 and this was the only track i had with the band before Scott hocked me up. Its probably the most Oi! sounding track in the bunch.
Tracks 6-8 are recordings that should have been on a EP that never happened.
Tracks 9-22 is the LP they released back in 1999 called Forward we march, backwards we progress. This is probably really good if your a punk but in my ears its mostly crusty noise with some lighter moments like the songs Two fucks, Reality and Sick of listening. My guess is decent recording equipment and a couple of extra weekends off brainstorming together new sounds would have helped the group.
I hate it when i get free stuff with bands that actually seem like nice chaps and i hate the sound but i have to be honest when i review and this band is nothing for me.
Thanks Scott for sending me the songs though and tell your friends to go easy on me if they ever come to Sweden looking for me.
onsdag 5 januari 2011
Crucial change - 33 (2009)
01. We're back
02. Pride in yourself
03. Tree of life
04. Stay out
05. Skin
06. Standing strong
07. Patriotic price
08. Society's shame
09. N.A.U.
10. Politically correct
11. Wings of the raven
12. Stoltz (Böhze onkels cover)
13. Born free
Released by Dim Records in 2009. It also includes their 2007 Lp called American made that i have already uploaded here.
I loved this band when they came out in 2007 and they have come a long way in two years. The only original member on this album is Tyler Busik on vocals and guitar. Ryan Gillespie has replaced Ramone Alvine on bass and Scott Michael has replaced Tamon Fujimi on drums. The sound is still the same though and Tylers distinct and rough vocals are basicly what makes the band.
The theme on the record is a bit rougher though and with lyrics about nationalism, anti-communism, vikings and killing drugdealers the blind will easily put one and one together and point the old "germanz" finger at the band but as we all know there is more colors inbetween black and white and for sure there is more views hidden inbetween the left and right. If you are looking for racial hatred in the lyrics then look elsewhere.
Setting the record straight from the getgo with their song We're back with lyrics such as "Flying the flag for the land we love/PC faggots shove your fucking dove/America is changing but we stay the same/Boots and braces forever CRUCIAL CHANGE". This is basicly the theme of the entire album and as cliché as it might sound it's just great when a band sticks to the blueprint when everybody else i trying to break the mold. Sure not all songs are great and i cant understand the norse mythology actually being sung about outside of Sweden and other Norse counties like in the songs Tree of life and Wings of the raven. My favourite songs on the record are Pride in yourself that portraits a healthy way of patriotism and the song Skin that takes both battle-anthems and vigilante tracks to new heights. Even if the Böhze onkels cover Stolz isnt as good and lacks the raw brutality the original song had its fun to see an English translation of the song (i read German for two years in school but i dont remember shit).
Even if it's a bit TOO cliché and patriotic it delivers when other albums/bands dont. For fans of Battle cry, Moonstomp and all those other great original bands.
The album is available for purchase at:
Interpunk for 9,25$
CD Baby for 13$
Diehard Records for 15$
Adler versand for 17,3$
Pure impact for 18$
My guess is that its also available from Dim's webbshop but i havnt been able to open their site for some time now.
tisdag 4 januari 2011
Bleach battalion - Never fall Mini-CD (2009)
01. Chaos tonight
02. Get away
03. Knuckle girls
04. Excessive force
05. Keep up the fight
Released by Skinhead records in 2009.
This record was actually recorded before The kicker and its easy to hear. The soundquality on the record is awefull and even if i can imagine the songs would be great the fact remains that this is more noise then music. Even so i found one good song in Chaos tonight that works fine as an aggro anthem and as much as i love myself a good ol hippiebash song the quality on Excessive force is so bad not even a bit of midi-piano could save it.
måndag 3 januari 2011
Lyrics for Neither red nor racist by Bleach battalion
Neither red nor racist but they'll say "You're on the fence"
When you're neither red nor racist
You'll find out soon that both sides want you dead
Nowdays in the skinhead scene, seems everyone is so extreme
It really just makes me sick, people bringing violence over politics
They all want you to join a side, Dont want people to use their minds
They think everyone should lend a hand to raise their flags over our land
Neither red nor racist but they'll say "You're on the fence"
When you're neither red nor racist
You'll find out soon that both sides want you dead
I'll never cave to the pressure, my defiance cant be measured
Just gonna make my own stand while they draw their lines in the sand
Dont wanna be an automation, fighting for something i know is wrong
Just wanna be myself do what i do, always stand strong, always stand true
Neither red nor racist but they'll say "You're on the fence"
When you're neither red nor racist
You'll find out soon that both sides want you dead
lördag 1 januari 2011
Bleach battalion - The kicker (2009)
01. The kicker
02. Forget the memories (Lets drink)
03. Skin life
04. Neither red nor racist
05. Battle cry
06. Freedom
07. No answer
08. Pride & tradition (2009 version)
Released by Skinhead records in 2009.
Many bands try to get a pure and basic Oi! sound in todays scene. Many of these bands have many years experience in the scene and still dont sound like the stuff a backwards inbreed Oi!head like myself wants it to sound. Then along comes a jewish Chicago girl named Natassja that basicly plays the majority of the instruments herself and shows how it should sound. It might not be the most musically challenging songs and yeah the drums are a bit off beat sometimes and its basicly as stripped down and raw as the sound might get but at the same time it delivers something that i and i know a lot more people want. Pure slow US Oi! like it used to be.
Sure it doesnt take long to hear what band inspired her to write a certain song and sometimes its almost stealing (like the Templars sound on Forget the memories) but i know i would rather listen to a good copy then an awfull streetpunk experiment like the rest of the crap the bands keep spitting out these days.
This girl also has a bigger set off balls then many other bands following the guidelines of whats ok to do and say and has basiclly started a one girl army against everything from muslims, homophobes, commies, nazis, so called antifacists and all other soldiers off fame and flock. Cudos!
The record has a surprising variety on the songs going from fastpaced songs like Battle cry to more RnR influenced tracks. My favourites though are the tracks Neither red nor racist and the song No answer where she really takes it back to the days of heavy drumbeats and "slowmo pogo".
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