01. All messed up
02. Fourty miles
03. Up in flames
04. Hard line
05. The gates of hell
06. Time is now
07. The way it goes
08. Chrome
09. Chase the wind
10. Bad lands
11. Better days
12. The end of the line
Released in 5000 copies by Lost & Found Records in 1996.
In 1995 Rick Wimert left the band but was replaced by Robert Garceau before they recorded this album.
If you can ignore the fact that Al Barr looks like the leadsinger for a german industry band on the cover and the fact that they dont even play anything simulair to punk anymore you have a real gem here.
This is blues inspired rock'n'roll at its best and shows how a band can develop and move away from their old sound but still make good music. Al Barr's singing is absolutely superb on this record and how it never really got any major radioplay across the globe is a mystery.
Some great tracks are Time is now, Up in flames, The way it goes & Bad lands.
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