They originate from New Jersey and have shared the stage with many wellknown names such as Oxblood, The boils, Hub city stompers and The toasters.
They never relased any album or even a demo but i uploaded some of the few songs that are out there. Please download and give these kids a chance.
The lights are on (but no one is home)
Citizen slave
Love & a 45'
Thousand times insanity
Contact them at www.myspace.com/oihooliganismoi
These guys kinda remind me of Murphy's Law. Especially the guitars and vocals..idk, maybe it's just me. ;)
SvaraRaderaThis blog is awesome! If I may have a request, it would be some material from Boot Party.
SvaraRaderaYes you are right. Hope they release something more.
SvaraRaderaAnd boot party it will be
SvaraRaderaThese guys are losers, punk rock idiots. Laughing stock of the scene!